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Edible Plants of Colorado

Amaranth, Red root pigweed

Bergamot, Oregano de la Sierra

Clasping Leaved Twisted Stalk

Common Cattail

Common Mallow, Buttonweed, Cheeseplant, Cheeseweed


False Solomon's Seal

Hookers Thistle, White Thistle


Kochia, Ragweed, Fireweed

Mariposa Lily, Sego Lily

Narrow-leaved Cottonwood

Oregon Grape, Holly Grape


Pin Cherry

Pinyon Pine

Plains Prickly Pear, Tuna

Ponderosa Pine

Prickly Pear

Prickly Rose, Dog rose


Quaking Aspen

Raspberry, Red Raspberry

Russian Olive

Showy Milkweed



Thistle, Creeping thistle, Canada thistle

Western Blue Flax

Wild Garlic, Field Garlic

Wild Lettuce, Prickly Lettuce

Wild Mint, Field Mint

Wild Onion, Geyer's Onion

Wild Strawberry

Wood Strawberry


Yellow Salsify, Goat's Beard

Yucca, Narrow leaved Yucca
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comments or suggestions feel free to drop us a line at: comments at
coloradoplants dot org.
We intend information on this web site to be accurate. It is possible that some information may contain
errors. If you find
possible information that is not completely accurate, or should be looked at please contact us at comments at
coloradoplants dot org.
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